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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, June 28, 2009
pic:something i saw/ شي رأيته
saw this in Muscat CC few days ago! liked the massage but i was wondering! why there is no English Translation for this! we need one and then i was like hmmm.. i think Arabian people in Oman wear respectful clothes, and in One minute I changed my mind after I remembered those Gangsta wanna bees with their stupid XXXXL jeans pants and those Punk/rock stars wanna bees who wear every tight pants and put kohol on! -_- ah! استوقفتني هذه اللافته في (ستي سنتر مسقط) اعجبني محتوى الرساله ولكن كنت افكر لماذا لا يوجد ترجمه لللافته باللغه الانجليزيه..وقلت لنفسي ما اراه بشكل عام ان العرب في عمان يرتدون ملابس لائقه..وفي دقيقه غيرت رائي بعدما تذكرت هؤلاء الصبيه الذين يقلدون اصحاب العصابات بأرتدائهم سراويل ذات حجم كبير جدا لدرجه تجعلك تفكر بانهم صغروا حجما "فجأه" كالسيده ملعقه ولم تعد ثيابهم تلائمهم!! او هؤلاء الذين يقلدون نجوم "الروك" ويرتدون ماهو ضيق جدا ويضعون الكحل كالفتيات *وعلى بالهم مطيحين* اخر كلمه: "مالت بس" .. اه
Ramadan and Schools/ رمضان والمدارس
so Ramadan this year will start in August and this will be the timing of starting schools 2009/2010
do you think they should start schools after "ALfiter Eid" or stick to the normal timing? and why? رمضان في هذه السنه سيصادف ان يكون عند بدء العام الدراسي2009/2010 ها تعتقدون انه من الافضل بدء السنه الدراسيه للمدراس بعد عيد الفطر او هل يفضل عدم تغيير التوقيت الدراسي ولماذا؟
Friday, June 26, 2009
michael Jackson Dies!
I was trying to enjoy my meal of "ma7she malfoof" and my drink was in my hand and i was like lets see whats new around the wrold i looked around and saw this!
·yes its true and shocking for some reason i was really shocked and i couldnt eat my fav meal ,after 10 mins i completed eating tho loved his songs
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Funny Egyptian fan
Egyptian fan after Brazil Defeat Omg I cried from laughing
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
أكلك حلال؟
best TV commercial ever
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