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February 2005
March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 September 2005 October 2005 December 2005 February 2006 March 2006 May 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 December 2012 January 2013 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Friday, January 11, 2013
My 2012 fav
In the past year i have been loving a lot of things fashion & beauty wise
路lets start with shoes, I am obsessed with red shoes ..they are simply amazing.. Have been loving YSL perfumes My fav is belle ,Sephora lipsticks I love -thy stay on forever-& lush products which we also don't have here -but they suit my sensitive skin and I get them from UAE ,my favorite nail polish colors for the past year are (dark purple ,hot pink and gray) ..and am happy about my house of meem mugs/tshirt collection ..with the start of 2013 it should be a year full of happiness and success- insh'allah-
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
A Year with positivity
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
am back and am 28
yup i am 28
and yes am back, i think that's because i miss writing and document my thoughts ... in away or another ...so whats new since i have stopped blogging here-two years- well alot have happened a lot have changed, a day makes a difference what about a year? two years! so today i will do something I used to do before,whenever i turn into an age i write facts or random stuff about me,with the number of the years i have turned to. so here we go a 28 things about me ! 1.I still work in the same job got promoted and i completed 3 years there 2.am single and rocking it , I guess ? 3.1 dont trust anyone as before. 4.1 have amazing new friends that i feel blessed to get to know and have in my life. 5.this semester they asked me to teach IT ,i did and i have mixed feelings about it. 6.got my brand name officially which is MeeM! 7.JUST started my designing business 8.am"trying" to be more healthy i quit drinking -soft drinks- for almost a year and a half now. 9. yes 9 is still my fav number. 10. I write more to my own pleasure now.. and am thinking of writing a book 11. I know that some people check my blog from time to time to check if i updated it."stalkers!" 12. I still see how jealous girls can be, and it makes me feel sad and scared in the same time. 13. I know now that the everything mam told me was right,well 99% of what she said .. 14. I love to watch documentaries not a lot of people knows that. 15. yes my room is still pink and white! :/ 16. since that last time i wrote about where I have traveled,I can add India,Qatar & UK to my list. 17.Ilove lepton Green IcedTea,so my fav flavor which is lemon&mint is nowhere to be found now! 18. I started a tradition,so every Eid i get a rose for my parents and siblings. 19. am an INSTARGRAM ADDICTED! 20. I need to lose 5 kg. "the story of my life" 21. I want to complete my studies with my husband to be. 22. Sometimes when i hold my pillow and sleep i feel like the luckiest girl on earth. 23. I try to be more thankful to Allah in every way possible. 24. I HATE whatsapp ... stupidest thing on earth.. great for stalkers tho! 25. 2012 Was a year full of memories. alhamdulillah 26. I Will start the jar of 2013 writing every day a good thing that happened to me! 27. i love this number too.. 2+7=9... yeah this how much i love numbers. 28. i keep on thinking of 28 as an age of happy changes inshallah and am embracing it!
Friday, September 03, 2010
cant be cruel
I cant believe how some people can be so cold and heartless...
路yes when i get mad or upset at something or someone.. I will sure not be my normal self , I would cry , I would raise my voice maybe or just sit all alone and try to sleep and sleep to forget about it .. But i never thought for a moment there would be people around who would want to harm me .. while I treated them so right , i was there for them while they needed me in good and bad, i showed them how much i love them and how much i care about them, even in the smallest silliest ways ever. because thats just me... i love to see people around happy and smiling, yes i care too much sometimes and it might be annoying to some. like when my brothers stay out late ,I keep calling them till i make sure they are fine.. its out of love not being noisy or anything i just want to make sure they are just fine..I cant sleep sometimes when I feel like i might did something wrong to someone and will bother me till it even hunt my dreams sometimes.. It hits me sometimes and i go like I should treat all those who did harm me the same way.. swear at their faces, talk behind their backs around everyone, or physically and hurt them the way they did to me.. but I cant i just cant,,, its not me... for a long time i have been thinking what did I do wrong? what did I do to make them do this? and when i try to collect all the things around me that happened , i doubt myself again and again thinking no way .. NO ONE WILL EVER hurt anyone this way without a reason so i keep thinking i might be "wrong" ... but all the things that i did to them...didn't and wouldn't harm them in anyway ... it hurts so bad that when you do all the good things and get that kind of a reaction ...a bad one.. I wouldnt lie and say I tried to be like them ...cruel but in the end of the day i would hate myself because am just not that person,, am not like them I just cant be like that , sometimes i wish soo bad i can be 10% like them to show them how does it feels like... i failed badly ... I failed but am Happy that am not that low am just not am blessed to have good people around me this year has been a really hard year, i have seen lot of masks falling off but it made me who i am..it did teach me lot of lessons stay up, raise ur head up high and dont look down two the lower level ... they wouldn't be like you and I wouldnt change who they are...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Barcelona: Part One
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Tagged By Kitten
路sorry i had to do this long time ago and i just remembered since i kept it on my draft 6 things people can鈥檛 tell about you when they first meet you: 1- Babies are my weakness, if i saw one i would lose my focus right away lol2-I love politics! people would think am this girl who wont ever be interested in such a thing, but am into politics i love to watch political debates and i would love to be a part of one , one day ,Political science was one of the majors i wanted to study. 3-I would touch a snake but i would NEVER EVER like to even LOOK at a cockroach they discuss me the most! 4- I know how to shot, yes using a gun and Rifle. 5- am a very very proud Omani ! am nice and all, but when it comes to Oman you better be careful . 6- I love Hello Kitty LOL! i think shes adorable and cute! i want her toaster and I would like to thank Kitten for the tag :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
![]() Who ever goes to Madrid should visit the Santiago Bernab茅u Stadium of "Real Madrid"am not a fan of them am a Barcelona fan ,but we have 3 Real Madrid Fans in the house lol ,so we had to go there, it was fun to be honest , for me to see the history of the team and how it started ,since it was open in 1902!
![]() Am in Spain with My Family in Madrid to be exact Took this Picture of their flag today.. will try to keep up loading pictures of this beautiful country itf full of culture .. which i love
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Pain Is Gone
The Pain is Gone
路in my thoughts I just drown but The scars are Remain Whenever i Look at them I remember You I remember how much pain you have Cost me I remember that I should walk away But am still here but the pain is gone marks scars & tears that what have left on me You Your Pain & Your words that what have left me I keep my head up high and let my spirit fly without asking why My pride will never go down I will never be a clown like you or for you my Pride is my Crown and The Pain is just Gone The Pain is Gone ...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Steve Jobs throough the Years 1998-2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I Stand up
I cry
路and my tears dropping down and i look at them dropping in the ground while no one is around tear by tear drop by drop till i can see my reflection who's that girl crying? I Question myself Who's that Girl Dying a step by step its me? no its it not I forgot whos that girl is and its Just me...*sigh* what happened to me to the smile to the joy you see I dont want to be whos in the reflection there is no real connection am strong never was wrong and I stand up no matter how many times i fall I stand up I wipe my tears away and I stand up looking at the coming day and when I fall I will Stand up no tear I will show no fear I will grow the old me is gone and my life line is drawn
Sunday, July 11, 2010
World Cup Final match
Sunday, July 04, 2010
stand up for myself
it amazes me when I see girls nearly going to hit their 30s! saying things and act completely different! when you act like school girls and dont know how to start a conversation but only ganging up on others ,dont be surprised or get upset when i say you act childish :) and let me break it for you , no you are not "always" right ... "mature ppl" face their problems they dont just stand in the side with a bunch of girls and start talking about ppl... am tired of this i dont need drama,i have been thru alot in high school days and I didnt stand up for myself and kept quite whenever you do that, now i have changed to the better :) I did my part ,you did nothing.. so yeah i feel good about myself.. am old for this drama i dont need it!
am happy and i feel blessed this year has been one of the best in a hard way i have discovered lot of things
Thursday, June 03, 2010
![]() In 2007 Guno hurricane hit oman, and costed lot of damage to the some areas..it was horrible. now in 2010 they said there is a hurricane called "Phet" might hit oman in those couple days .. i hope its not so serious we need rain yes but we dont need hurricanes .. so may god have mercy on us.. we wish for the best
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Resist the Power! Saudi Arabia
![]() watch his interesting show by mtv I didnt like some parts to be honest they .. us arabs MIGHT understand whats going on in there but them "western" would get it in a bad way and think its "ISLAM" not just the culture in ksa share your thought
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
and the most shallow person award goes to...
...This American solider who video taped Iraqi innocent kids and kept making fun of them and called them "Gay and terrorists" he called the video "future gay terrorist" and posted in his FB page... so disturbing I really feel so bad for those kids he has NO reason to do such a thing boredom or whatever they call it.. you cant do such a thing to "KIDS" they are kids for god's sake! really it makes burn inside to see such a thing , Iraqis or not they are kids!
路watch source
Friday, May 21, 2010
丕賱賷 賲丕 賷毓乇賮 丕賱氐賯乇... 賷卮賵賷賴
Its an Arabic saying i cant explain it 100% lol
路but its says "who doesn't know whats a falcon is,would eat it" *i don't wanna say fry it will sound cheesy lol and its so true... who doesn't know who you really are would do stuff to you that would hurt you but they will regret later .. so bad ;) funny how when you treat people in a good way they stab you in the back and they worth nothing.. when i look at who i am and who are they i can see them soo low and down there.. am up why would i look down? I can't even believe that I gave them a chance to be a part of my life, why would I? 5alene foq a7san wa 5alehum t7t in their dirty ugly world
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Miss made me sad 2010
![]() Miss USA 2010 Is a 24 year old stunning arab girl who lives in USA *Muslim* only by name in my opinion* her name is Rima Fakir People went crazy when she won.. *Arabs to be exact* they think its a good thing that she won as the first "Muslim" Arab.. she is beautiful and all but seriously.. why would we feel happy ? is it something that Arabs achieved and should be proud of? what to be proud of.. seeing a muslim girl showing off her body in a bikini and did nothing good to the community she lives in .and have been a winner of a strip club pole competition ? and they present her as the first Muslim Miss USA LOL! wow just wow that made me sad |